Average Velocity

Average velocity is defined in analogy to average speed. Instead of taking the ratio 'distance traveled divided by time elapsed', one takes the ratio 'displacement divided by time elapsed'. Thus,

Average Velocity Definition

Average velocity is a vector quantity, because it is the ratio of a vector (the displacement) and a scalar (the time elapsed).

Symbol: vector vav; SI-unit: m/s.

Exercise: Position the ball somewhere, and release the mouse button. Click on the ball again and drag it. Display the applet's Data boxes, including the expanded average-velocity box obtained by selecting the Position button. Substitute the values of the displacement vector d = Δvector r = vector rf - vector ri and time elapsed from the Data boxes into the definition above to calculate the x,y components of the average velocity vector for the motion.

Compare your result to the value of vector vav in the average-velocity Data box.

Also copy the value of the average speed vav from the average-speed Data box. You will need the values of both vector vav and vav on Page 3.