Yarn Spool

Click on a point to view its explanation

Explanation of Points

  1. Play/Pause
    This button will activate the simulation.  This button acts as a toggle button between play and pause.
  2. Step
    This button will step through 1/10th of a second of the simulation.
  3. Reset
    This button will reset the simulation.  The yarn spool will be repositioned in the center of the applet.
  4. Extrapolation
    This button will toggle the drawing of an extrapolation from the center of the yarn spool to the ground as well as an extrapolation from the yarn spool's thread to the ground.
  5. Data
    This button will toggle display data.
  6. Help
    This button will display the help screen for this applet.
  7. Force
    Adjusting this slider will modify the force variable acting upon the yarn spool's thread.  The red vector represents the amount of force applied to the thread.  Its range is 0 £ f £
    20; Where f is the force applied to the thread.
  8. Inner Radius
    Adjusting this slider will modify the inner radius of the yarn spool.  Its range is 0 £ r £ R; Where r is the inner radius of the yarn spool and R is the outer radius of the yarn spool.
  9. Thread
    Drag this point about the applet to adjust the yarn spool's thread.

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Edited by Jeremiah Van Oosten on
Friday July 28, 2000 02:33:56 PM