A content item can contain any number of pages, and each page can contain any number of frames. A frame will display any URL one wants it to display. It is very important that the frameset is built and named carefully. The frameset for our example is built as follows.
If the page has only one frame (Pages 3 or 6), the frame is called MAIN; if the page has two frames, the two frames are called LEFT_SIDE and RIGHT_SIDE and these two frames are put into the MAIN frame.
The MAIN frame is defined by the file "main.html". The part of this file that we will need in the following explanations is reproduced below.
Excerpt from file "main.html":
<frameset rows="*,40" cols="*" border="0" framespacing="0" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="frameset.html" name = "MAIN" noresize> <frame src="pagebrowser.html" noresize scrolling = "NO"> </frameset>
The LEFT_SIDE and RIGHT_SIDE frames are set up in the "frameset.html" file described next:
Excerpt from file "frameset.html":
<frameset cols = "375,*" border = "0"> <frame src="white.html" name = "LEFT_SIDE" noresize scrolling = "NO"> <frame src="white.html" name = "RIGHT_SIDE" noresize> </frameset>
The file "frameset.html" will be placed in the MAIN frame whenever
we need two frames instead of one (pages 1,2,4,5,7). When just one
frame is needed, the url is loaded directly in the MAIN frame
instead of "frameset.html"".
The srcs for each of the frames in "frameset.html" are
"white.html". This is just a blank html file that is used until
the pagebrowser loads in the correct frame. If "applet.html" and
"page1.html" were used instead, then when one went from page 3 to
page 4, "page1.html" would be loaded in on LEFT_SIDE when
"frameset.html" is loaded, then the PageBrowser would load
"page4.html" in LEFT_SIDE. This doesn't look good and causes
problems when a page contains applet tags and plugins that are
killed shortly after starting up.