The applet on Page 2 lets you investigate the application of the work-kinetic energy theorem to projectile motion without air resistance. For details on how to use the applet, please go to Applet Help on the applet's Help menu.
When experimenting with the applet, open the item "Activities" under Related Items for suggestions on investigations to be carried out with the applet.
You may find it useful to have a copy of the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem in front of you while working with the applet. You may want to copy the statement below. A statement of the theorem is also available under Related Items.
Work-kinetic energy theorem for a single particle:
The net work W done on a particle during a given time interval by the net forceacting on the particle is equal to the change in the particle's kinetic energy during that time interval. In symbols,
Wnet = DKE
KE = (m/2)v2
is the particle's kinetic energy, m the mass of the particle and v the speed of the particle.