Work-kinetic energy theorem for a single particle:
The net work W done on a particle during a given time interval by the net forceacting on the particle is equal to the change in the particle's kinetic energy during that time interval. In symbols,
Wnet = DKE
KE = (m/2)v2
is the particle's kinetic energy, m the mass of the particle and v the speed of the particle.
On Page 11, there is a statement of a generalized work-kinetic energy theorem that applies to systems of more than one particle. For a derivation of the work-kinetic energy theorem, go to Energy/Work-Kin. En. Th'm/Explain It/Derivation.
Contents of the 12-page session
Pages 1 to 10 will take you through several situations involving one-particle systems. The applet on Page 12 simulates the motion of a two-particle system.
The first example, to be studied with the applet on Page 2, involves a ball in vertical up-and-down motion without air resistance, i.e., a ball in free fall. When you experiment with the applet on Page 2, open the item "Activities Page 2" under Related Items for suggestions on what to investigate with the applet.
Details on how the applet on Page 2 functions are available under Applet Help on the applet's Help menu.
Contents in detail
Page 1. Work-kinetic energy theorem for a single
particle. Table of Contents.
Page 2. Applet for investigating vertical free
Page 3. Application of work-kinetic energy theorem to
projectile motion.
Page 4. Applet for investigating projectile
Page 5. Application of work-kinetic energy theorem to
motion of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
Page 6. Applet for investigating motion of a charged
particle in the uniform electric field of a parallel-plate
Page 7. Application of work-kinetic energy theorem to
a situation with non-constant force (circular motion with
constant or changing speed).
Page 8. Applet for investigating circular motion with
constant or changing speed.
Page 9. Application of work-kinetic energy theorem to
a particle moving subject to an arbitrary and variable force
that can be controlled by the user.
Page 10. Applet for investingating the motion of a
particle that is subject to a variable force.
Page 11. Work-kinetic energy theorem for a system of
several particles and application to a two-body system.
Page 12. Applet for investigating the motion of a
binary star system. (Qualitative investigation).