Activities on Displacement and Distance
Perform the following experiments and related calculations. Check
your results against those displayed by the applet.
- Set the ball to some initial position and then drag it to a
final position. Use the x and y coordinates of the
ball's initial and final positions to calculate the x and
y components of the ball's displacement vector
- Using the data from the first exercise, calculate the magnitude
d of the ball's displacement and the angle q between the displacement vector and the
positive x-direction, taken in the positive sense (counter-clockwise
starting from the x-axis).
- Compare the green displacement vector to the blue path along
which the ball has traveled. Which has the greater length? Compare
the magnitude d of the displacement calculated in the
previous exercise to the distance s traveled displayed by the
- Set the ball's initial position to (10,-10) m. It will make it
easier if you display the grid when you do this. Then make the ball
undergo a displacement equal to 30 m in magnitude and in a direction
that forms an angle of 1500 with the positive
x-axis, measured in the positive sense from the
x-axis. It may be difficult to produce these values exactly.
It will be good enough if you get close. From these data calculate
the x and y coordinates of the ball's final
- Set the ball's initial position to (20,-10) m. Then drag the
ball in a straight line to (20,-20) m, again in a straight line to
(-15,-20) m, and again in a straight line to (-15,15) m. It does
not matter if you cannot achieve these exact values. To ensure that
the ball moves along a straight line, hold down the Shift key while
you are dragging the ball.
Calculate the total displacement vector, both in Cartesian and in
polar coordinates (magnitude and direction).
Also calculate the distance s traveled and compare it to the
magnitude d of the displacement.