Help - Particle in Electric Field

The applet simulates the motion of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.

Click on a number to view the explanation of the corresponding item.

  1. Basic Control Buttons
  2. There are four basic control buttons. One of these, the Play/Pause button, is a dual button. The buttons are, from left to right:

    Rewind Returns the simulation to the starting point with the previously chosen initial values and system parameters. Rewind makes it easy to compare motions that differ in the setting of just one parameter. After clicking Rewind, click Play to restart the motion or Step to go through the motion one step at a time.

    Play Clicking the Play button starts the motion of the particle.

    Pause After the Play button has been clicked, it changes into a Pause button. Click the Pause button if you want to get a 'snapshot' of the motion at a given instant. When the Pause button has been clicked, it reverts into the Play button. To resume the motion, click Play once more.

    Step Lets you step through the motion in equal time steps.

    Reset Resets the applet to its default setting. The button is on the far right so that it does not get pressed accidentally in place of Rewind.

    Adjustments in the initial conditions and system parameters can only be made after first clicking REWIND or RESET.

  3. Particle's Path
  4. Displays or hides the charged particle's path in cyan, which is shown in the following snapshot.

    The path is not erased when you Rewind the applet.

  5. Grid
  6. Displays a coordinate grid with 100-m divisions. The origin of the grid is at the tail end of the E-Vector vector.

  7. Velocity Vector
  8. Displays or hides the velocity vector (magenta). See snapshot in Number 2 above.

  9. Velocity Components Components
  10. Allows to display or hide the (x,y)-components of the velocity vector. The components are shown in a pale shade of the velocity color, as in the following snapshot:

  11. Data Da
  12. The Data toggle button displays/hides the Data box shown below. The Data box can also be closed by clicking in the little square marked by an "X" in the top right corner of the box. The Data box can be dragged anywhere within the applet window.

    Data Box

    The following information is displayed in the Data box.

  13. Electric Field
  14. Allows you to enter the magnitude and direction angle of the electric field (type the values in the data fields and then press ENTER on the keyboard). The direction angle is defined relative to a compass direction that you can change by selecting a choice on the drop-down menu next to the electric field data fields. Alternately, you can drag the tip of the green arrow which represents the electric field vector. The values in the data fields will be updated automatically.

    The maximum electric field magnitude that can be entered is 90 V/m. If you type a larger value and press ENTER, your value will be reset to 90 V/m.

    The values of the (x,y)-components of the field vector are displayed in the Data box. (See Item 6.)

    The electric field is uniform throughout the applet window, as indicated by the little grey arrows.

  15. Velocity Data Fields
  16. Allows you to enter the magnitude and direction angle of the velocity. After typing the values, press ENTER on the keyboard. The angle is defined according to one of eight compass modes that can be selected from a drop-down menu.

    The maximum velocity magnitude that can be entered is 300 m/s. If you type a larger value and press ENTER, your value will be reset to 300 m/s.

    The magenta velocity vector (see Item 4 above) is updated as a new set of values is entered in the data fields. Vice versa, dragging the tip of the vector causes the values in the data fields to be updated.

    The (x,y)-components of the velocity vector are displayed in the Data box. (See Item 6 above.)

  17. Sliders
  18. There are two sliders, shown in the following image. Clicking on a slider to the left or right of the slider tab allows fine adjustment of the slider setting.


    Clicking on the Input Dialog button Input Dialog Button of a slider will open a dialog for entering an exact value for the slider setting. The dialog for the Mass-slider is illustrated below. The range in which values can be entered, from 1.0 kg to 3.0 kg in this case, is indicated above the data entry field.

    Input Dialog Field

    The two sliders in the control panel allow you to adjust the values of the following quantities.