Lesson - Magnetic Field Due To A Current In A Straight Wire
The applet simulates the magnetic field due to a current in a straight wire and the contributions to the field from the current in short segments of the wire.


Students should be somewhat familiar with the field concept, the concept of electric current, and have a basic understanding of vectors.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to apply the Biot-Savart Law to calculate the magnetic field due to a short current segment and will be able to use the superposition principle to calculate the magnetic field due to several such segments. They will be able to calculate the magnetic field due to a current-carrying straight wire.


Students should know how the applet functions, as described in Help and ShowMe.

The applet should be open. The step-by-step instructions in the following text are to be done in the applet. You may need to toggle back and forth between instructions and applet if your screen space is limited.


spaceBiot-Savart Law
spaceSuperposition Principle for Magnetic Fields

spaceMagnetic Field Due To A Current Segment

spaceMagnetic Field Due To Several Current Segments

spaceMagnetic Field Due To Current In A Straight Wire



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Magnetic Field Due To A Current Segment

Exercise 1. Reset Reset the applet.

Select the Segments button, and click on the wire in the center of the window to select the segment at the origin, Segment 0. To check whether you have selected the segment at the origin, display the Data box. If you have selected the wrong segment, deselect it by clicking on the selected segment and click on another segment.

Choose the "Coordinate View" mode to move the field point P to (x,y,z) = (-0.30, 0.30, 0.40) m. Figure 3 below shows how the field point is situated. The Data box will show the coordinates of P.

Coordinates of Field Point

Figure 3

Return to the "Physical Reality View" mode. Set the Scale slider to 1,000, and make sure the current is set to 5.00 A. The field vector at P should look like that in Figure 4 below. You may also want to exhibit the field line projections shown in Figure 4.

 Field Vector Due To One Segment

Figure 4

Use the Biot-Savart law (1) to calculate the magnitude B0 of the magnetic field at point P due to Segment 0.

Answer. Let us first calculate the distance d0 and the sine of the angle a0.

Since the center of Segment 0 is at (x,y,z) = (0,0,0) and point P is at (x,y,z) = (-0.30,0.30,0.40) m,

spaced0 = Square Root[(-0.30)2 + 0.302 + 0.402)] = 0.5831 m.space(2)

To calculate sin a0, you need the perpendicular distance r of P from the z-axis on which the current segment is located. (Go into Coordinate View mode to see the coordinate r defined.) Thus,

spacer = Square Root[(-0.30)2 + 0.302] = 0.4243 m.space(3)

r and d0 form a right-angle triangle with d0 as hypotenuse and angle a0 opposite to r. Therefore,

spacesin a0 = r / d = 0.4243/0.5831 = 0.7277 .space(4)

This corresponds to an angle a0 = 46.7o, but we don't need this value. We only need sin a0.

We are now ready to substitute the pieces into Equ.(1).

spaceB0 = 10-7×5.00×0.20×0.7277 / 0.58312 = 2.14×10-7 T.space(5)

This is the value shown in the Data box in Figure 5 below.

 Data Related To One Segment

Figure 5

Exercise 2. Continuing from Exercise 1, select Segment 2 directly below P, at z = 0.40 m. Calculate the magnetic field B2 at P due to this segment. Check your answer in the Data box.

Hint: The displacement vector from the center of the segment to P has the coordinates

space(dx,dy,dz) = (-.30-0, 0.30-0, .40-.40) = (-.30, -.30, 0) m . space (6)

Also predict the direction of the magnetic field due to Segment 2. Explain in your Notebook how you predict the direction. Then use the applet to check the direction by deselecting Segment 0 so that only Segment 2 is selected.

Exercise 3. Continuing from Exercise 2, reverse the direction of the current by setting I to -5.00 A. Predict the direction of the magnetic field due to Segments 2 and 0 when the current direction is reversed. Explain your prediction in your Notebook. Then use the applet to check it, selecting one segment at a time.

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Magnetic Field Due To Several Current Segments

Exercise 1. Reset the applet. As in Exercise 1 of the preceding section, set the field point P at (x,y,z) = (-0.30, 0.30, 0.40) m. Select Segments 0 and 2 at z = 0 and z = 0.40 m, respectively. Make sure the current is set to I = 5.00 A.

Use the superposition principle and the results of the preceding section to determine both the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field vector vector B at P due to the current in the two segments.

Answer. The magnetic field vectors vector B0 and vector B2 due to Segments 0 and 2 have the same direction. Therefore, vector addition is easy in this case. The direction of the total field due to both segments is the same as that due to either segments and the total magnitude Btot is the sum of magnitudes B0 and B2 calculated in the preceding section,

spaceBtot = B0 + B2 = 2.14×10-7 + 5.56×10-7 = 7.70×10-7 T.space(7)

Exercise 2. Add a third segment, Segment 4 at z = 0.80 m. Determine the magnetic field vector B4 due to this segment, and the total magnetic field vector B due to Segments 0, 2, and 4 together. Compare your result with that given by the applet.

Hint: How do the magnetic fields due to Segments 0 and 4 compare? Consider the locations of the two segments relative to that of point P.

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Magnetic Field Due To Current In A Straight Wire

Exercise 1. Reset the applet. As in the preceding sections, set the field point P at (x,y,z) = (-0.30, 0.30, 0.40) m. Select the Segments button and select all segments available in the window. Record the magnitude of the total magnetic field due to all selected segments as shown in the Data box.

Then deselect the Segments button. This selects the entire infinite straight wire. Record the magnitude of the total magnetic field at P due to the current in the infinite wire. This magnitude should be just slightly larger than that when only the segments are selected that fit into the window.

Exercise 2. For an infinitely long straight current-carrying wire, an exact integration (summation of the infinitesimal contributions dB given by Equ.(1)) gives the following simple result for the magnitude B of the total magnetic field at point P:

spaceB = (m0/4p) ×2I / r, spacem0/4p = 10-7 T m A-1.space(8)

Use this equation to calculate B for the present case. The result should agree with that shown in the Data box.

Compare the denominators in Eqs.(1) and (8). There are two differences. What are they?

Comment. The denominator in Equ.(8) has the distance r of the field point P from the wire to the first power. This is the result of the integration over the infinite wire.

Exercise 3. Continuing from Exercise 2, double and triple the distance r of point P from the wire. Record the corresponding values of the total magnitude B of the field. Are the values consistent with the r-dependence of the magnitude as given in Equ.(8)?

Exercise 4. Continuing from Exercise 3, move the field point P parallel to the wire without changing the distance r of the field point from the wire. Do this twice: (a) when the Segments button is deselected so that the field shown by the applet is that due to the infinite wire and (b) when the Segments button and all wire segments in the window are selected.

Observe the dependence of the total field on the position of point P in the two cases. Describe what differences you observe, and explain your observation in terms of the Biot-Savart law and the principle of superposition.

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