Lesson - Inverse Square Law

The Applet simulates the gravitational field outside and inside a sphere of uniform mass density and, in another mode, the electric field outside and inside a sphere of uniform charge density.


Students should be somewhat familiar with Newton's universal law of gravitation and, those who want to use the applet in the electric mode, with the concept of charge and Coulomb's law of electrostatics. They should be familiar with Newton's second law of motion.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be introduced to the definitions of the gravitational and the electric field and will develop an understanding of the characteristics of the gravitational field of a uniform spherical mass distribution and of the electric field of a uniform spherical charge distribution, both outside and inside the distribution.


Students should know how the applet functions, as described in Help and ShowMe.

The applet should be open. The step-by-step instructions in the following text are to be done in the applet. You may need to toggle back and forth between instructions and applet if your screen space is limited.


Laws, Theorems, Definitions
Newton's Second Law
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Coulomb's Law of Electrostatics
Theorem on Forces Exerted by Spheres
Definition of Gravitational Field
Definition of Electric Field

Field Outside the Source

Field Inside the Source

Laws, Theorems, Definitions

Field Outside the Source

Gravitational case

If the applet is not in the Gravitational mode, select that mode and RESET the applet.

Task 1. Under "Laws, Theorems, Definitions" above, read

Exercise 1

Derive an expression for the magnitude g of the gravitational field due to a sphere of uniform mass density and total mass M at a distance d from the center of the sphere, if the field point is outside the sphere.

What is the direction of the field vector at this point?

Answer. Taking magnitudes on both sides of Definition (16) and substituting Expression (6) or (10) for W gives the following three expressions for g:

d > R:g = GM / d2 = GM/R2 (R/d)2 = gR (R/d)2. (20)

The direction of the field vector is towards the center of the sphere.

Exercise 2

In the applet's default setting, the values for the radius and the mass of the source object are the same as those for the earth:

R = 6.38×106 m,

M = 5.98×1024 kg.

Check that the sliders and the Data box display these values.

Observe the magnitude g of the gravitational field shown in the Data box and the length and direction of the green arrow representing the field vector when the field point is as close to the surface of the source object as you can make it.

What value would you expect for g? Calculate this value using the first one in the series of Expressions (20).

Exercise 3

Drag the field point to a point where d = 2R, as closely as you can, and observe the value of g at this point and the length and direction of the field vector.

At d = 2R = 1.28×107 m, you should find g = 2.45 m/s2.

When comparing this value to the value of g at d = R, is the dependence of g on d consistent with a 1/d law or a 1/d2 law? Check your answer by increasing the Field Scale setting by the appropriate factor (what factor should it be?) so that the green arrow at this new scale setting has the same length that it had at d = R.

Exercise 4

Repeat Exercise 3 for d = 3R. You may have to move the source object to be able to achieve d = 3R.

Question 1

Take the mass of the sun to be 1.99×1030 kg, and calculate the magnitude of the average acceleration due to gravity experienced by the earth as it orbits the sun. Take the average radius of the earth's orbit to be 1.50×1011 m.

Check your answer with the applet. You will have to give the sun an unrealistically large radius in order to have a visible source object on the screen while adjusting the distance d. As long as the radius of the sun is smaller than the earth's orbital radius, it will have no effect on the answer. Why not?

Compare your result with that of the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity due to the earth on the surface of the earth.

Electric case

If the applet is not in the Electric mode, select that mode and RESET the applet.

Task 2. Under "Laws, Theorems, Definitions" above, read

Exercise 5

Derive an expression for the magnitude E of the electric field due to a sphere of uniform charge density and total charge Q at a distance d from the center of the sphere, if the field point is outside the sphere.

What is the direction of the field vector at this point? Vary the sign of the source charge.

Answer. Taking magnitudes on both sides of Definition (19) and substituting Expressions (13) for F gives the following two expressions for E:

d > R:E = k|Q| / d2 = k|Q|/R2 (R/d)2. (21)

The direction of the field vector is towards the center of the sphere if Q is negative and away from the center of the sphere if Q is positive.

Exercise 6

In the default setting, the values for the radius and the charge of the source object are those appropriate for the electron:

R = 2.82×10-15 m,

Q = -1.60×10-19 C.

Reset these values to

R = 1.00×10-15 m,

Q = 1.60×10-19 C

which apply approximately to the proton. The proton's "radius" is measured to be slightly smaller than 1.0×10-15 m. Note that such radius measurements are made by bombarding the proton with either electrons or protons and that what one may want to define as a "radius" is a quantity that depends on the nature of the interaction of such probes with the proton. Also note that an electron "radius" has not been observed in similar experiments and that the "electron radius" to which the applet is set is the so-called "classical electron radius" which is a theoretical quantity that merely has this name and does not describe a real electron radius.

Record the magnitude E of the electric field displayed in the Data box and the length and direction of the green arrow representing the field vector when the field point is as close to the surface of the source object as you can make it.

Calculate this value using Expression (21). Compare the value to that for an electric field that you might encounter in a laboratory, e.g., the magnitude of the field between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor whose plates are 1 mm apart and which has a voltage of 10 V across the plates. (For a parallel-plate capacitor, E = V/d, where V is the voltage across the plates in volt and d the separation in meter. The answer will be in V/m which is the same as N/C.)

Exercise 7

Repeat Exercises 3 and 4 for the electric case.

Question 2. What is the magnitude of the electric field due to a hydrogen atom's nucleus (proton) sensed by the electron in the atom's lowest orbit, which is a circle of radius 5.3×10-11 m?

Again, compare the magnitude of this field to that of a typical laboratory field.

Field Inside the Source

Gravitational case

If the applet is not in the Gravitational mode, select that mode and RESET the applet.

Exercise 1

Derive an expression for the magnitude g of the gravitational field due to a sphere of uniform mass density and total mass M at a distance d from the center of the sphere, if the field point is inside the sphere.

What is the direction of the field vector at this point?

Answer. Taking magnitudes on both sides of Definition (16) and substituting Expression (7) or (11) for W gives the following two expressions for g:

d < R:g = GM / R2 (d/R) = gR (d/R). (22)

The direction of the field vector is towards the center of the sphere.

Exercise 2

Drag the field point to as close to the surface of the source object as you can.

Record the magnitude g of the electric field shown in the Data box, and observe the length and direction of the green arrow representing the field vector.

g should be equal to 9.80 m/s2 since the mass and radius of the source object in the present default mode apply to the earth.

  • Move the field point to d = R/2 and d = R/3, and observe the changes in the magnitude and direction of the electric field vector.

    You should find E to be equal to 9.80/4 m/s2 and 9.80/9 m/s2, respectively.

    Verify that this is the case by increasing the Field Scale setting by factors of 4 and 9, respectively. This should result in green arrows whose lenghts are equal in pixel to the length of the arrow at d = R when using the original Field Scale setting.

    The direction of the field vector should always be towards the center of the source object.

    Question 1. What value do you expect for g at the center of the source object?

    Can you explain why g should be zero at d = 0 in terms of the superposition of the contributions to the gravitational field at the center of the source from all mass elements distributed throughout the source?

    Electric case

    If the applet is not in the Electric mode, select that mode and RESET the applet.

    Exercise 3

    Derive an expression for the magnitude E of the electric field due to a sphere of uniform charge density and total charge Q at a distance d from the center of the sphere, if the field point is inside the sphere.

    What is the direction of the field vector at this point?

    Answer. Taking magnitudes on both sides of Definition (19) and substituting Expression (14) for F gives the following expression for E:

    d < R:E = k|Q| / R2 (d/R). (23)

    The direction of the field vector is towards the center of the sphere if the source charge is negative, away from the center of the sphere if the source charge is positive.

    Exercise 4

    Again, set the radius and charge of the source object to

    R = 1.00×10-15 m,

    Q = 1.60×10-19 C,

    and drag the field point to as close to the surface of the source object as you can.

    Record the magnitude E of the electric field shown in the Data box, and observe the length and direction of the green field vector.

    E should be equal to the value calculated in Exercise 6 under "Field Outside the Source" above, namely, E = 1.44×1021 N/C.

  • Move the field point to d = R/2 and d = R/3, and observe the changes in the magnitude and direction of the electric field vector.

    You should find the value of E to be equal to 1/4 and 1/9, respectively, times that at d = R. The direction of the field vector should always be away from the center of the source object if the source charge is positive.

    Verify that this is the case by increasing the Field Scale setting by factors of 4 and 9, respectively. This should result in green arrows whose lenghts are equal in pixel to the length of the arrow at d = R when using the original Field Scale setting.

    Exercise 5

    Reverse the sign of the source charge from positive to negative, but make no other changes. What happens to the electric field vector?

    Compare the directions of the field vector in the gravitational case for positive mass and in the electric case for positive charge. Are they the same?