Help - Electric Field of a Line Charge
The Applet simulates the electric field of one or several electric point charges arranged along a straight line or the field of an infinitely extended straight line charge.

Line Charge Help

Click on a number to view the explanation of the corresponding item.

  1. Segments Segments
  2. When the Segments toggle button is selected, you can select wire segments by clicking on different parts of the wire. Clicking on a selected segment will deselect the segment. In the image at the top, two segments are selected. Selected segments are shown in red and carry electric charge. Segments that are not selected are shown in grey and carry no charge.

    The applet treats the charge on a segment like a point charge at the center of the segment.

    If the Segments button is not selected, the applet assumes that there is a uniform charge distribution everywhere on the infinitely extended straight wire. The wire is shown entirely in red when the Segments button is not selected.

    The wire is shown entirely in red also when the Segments button is selected and all segments of the wire in the applet window are selected. However, the field vector in this case will be the field vector due to the selected segments only, not that due to an infinitely extended charged wire.

    To select several adjoining segments at once, select the Segments button, click with the mouse on one segment and drag along all segments you want to select.

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  3. Resultant Resultant
  4. When the Resultant toggle button and the Segments button are selected, the resultant electric field vector at the given field point due to all selected segments will be displayed in green.

    If the Segments button is not selected, selecting the Resultant button will display the electric field due to a uniform charge distribution along an infinitely long straight line.

    The field point can be moved by clicking on it and dragging it.

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  5. Components of the Resultant Resultant Components
  6. When this toggle button is selected, the x and y components of the resultant electric field vector as described under Resultant in Point 2 above will be displayed in pale green.

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  7. Electric Field Vectors Vectors
  8. When this toggle button is selected, the electric field vectors at the given field point due to the selected charged line segments will be shown in red.

    The field point can be moved by clicking on it with the mouse and dragging it.

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  9. Vector Components Vector Components
  10. When this button is selected, while the Segments button is selected also, placing the mouse pointer on any of the selected segments will cause the x and y components of the electric field vector due to this segment to be displayed in pale red.

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  11. Grid Grid
  12. The Grid toggle button will let you display or hide the x, y coordinate grid. The grid defines the directions of the x and y axes.

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  13. Data Data
  14. Line Charge Data

    The Data toggle button lets you display/hide the Data box shown above. The vertical dimensions of the box can be resized by dragging the green rectangle in the lower right-hand corner of the box up or down. The box can be closed by clicking on the little green box marked by an "X" in the upper right-hand corner. The box can be dragged to another location by clicking anywhere else in the box and dragging.

    The Data box contains the following information.

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  15. Reset Reset
  16. Resets the applet to its default setting.

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  17. Line Charge Slider Line Charge Slider
  18. The slider allows adjusting the line charge on the infinite straight line, or on selected segments, between the values of -10.00 C/m and 10.00 C/m in 0.01-C/m steps.

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  19. Vector Scale Slider Vector Scale Slider
  20. The slider allows adjusting the length scale of all vector arrows in a range from 1 to 1,000.

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