Help - Force and Energy in Circular Motion
The applet simulates uniform and non-uniform circular motion of a masspoint, the masspoint's velocity and acceleration, the net force acting on the mass point, and the masspoint's kinetic energy. Simulated also are the radial (centripetal) and tangential components of the acceleration and force.

Circular Motion Help

Click on a number to view the explanation of the corresponding item.

  1. Basic Control Buttons
  2. There are four basic control buttons. They are, from left to right:

    Rewind Rewind. Resets the simulation to the starting point with the previously chosen values for the system parameters. After clicking Replay, click Play to restart the motion.

    Play/Pause Play/Pause. Clicking Play starts the motion.

    After Play has been clicked, the button will change into the Pause button Pause. Click it if you want to take a 'snapshot' of the motion at a given instant. To resume the motion, click Play once more.

    Step Step. Lets you step through the motion in equal time steps. The step size can be adjusted with the Time Step slider. See Point 6. In the Incremental mode (see Point 7), one must Step through the motion. Continuous Play is disabled.

    Reset Reset. Resets the applet to its default setting.

    Adjustments in the system parameters can only be made after first clicking REPLAY or RESET.

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  3. Data Data Button
  4. CM Data Box

    The Data box lists the following data, as illustrated in the preceding image.

    Top section. Constants of the motion and initial values.

    Note. The phase angle d can be chosen before starting the motion by dragging the mass point in its circular orbit.

    Bottom section. Values of time-dependent quantities at time t.

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  5. Vector Vectors Button
  6. Vector Panel

    The Vectors toggle button lets you display/hide the Vector Panel illustrated above. Selecting a vector in this panel will cause that vector to be displayed. In the panel illustrated, the velocity of the mass point and the net force acting on the mass point and the components of the net force are selected. The corresponding vectors are shown in the image at the top of this Help document.

    The following items are available in the panel:

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  7. Sliders
  8. There are eight sliders in all, arranged in two rows of four each. Clicking on a slider to the left or right of the slider tab allows fine adjustment of the slider setting.

    Clicking on the Input Dialog button Input Dialog Button of a slider will open a dialog for entering an exact value for the slider setting. The dialog for the r-slider is illustrated below. The range in which values can be entered, from 0.10 m to 0.30 m in this case, is indicated above the data entry field.

    Input Dialog Field

    First Row

    Second Row

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  9. Kinetic Energy Bar Energy Bar
  10. The red bar in the lower right-corner of the applet represents the kinetic energy of the mass point.

    The height of the bar is proportional to the scale factor set by the Zoom slider. The seting of the Zoom slider also affects the lengths of the velocity, acceleration, and force vectors.

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